0126 – Is It Better For You to Be an Introvert or Extrovert?


We’re talking about myths and facts about introverts and extraverts, including expert information given by Dr. Adam Grant in Psychology Today.

By the end of this episode:

  • 5 Myths about introverts and extraverts
  • Facts you may not have known about introverts and extraverts
  • The number one thing both introverts and extraverts can excel at

Describe the problem

You may have seen the slew of articles that came out early last year about 20 signs you’re an introvert/extravert. Scores of people on Facebook and Twitter instantly shared these articles claiming to be one or the other…and then basically said “they didn’t care what the other half was like, but everyone else should be super sensitive to who I am.” Well…there’s actually a lot more myths than facts about introverts and extraverts. Find out more in Episode 126: Introverts and Extraverts

Segment #1

Definition: The terms introversion and extraversion were first popularized byCarl Jung,[1] although both the popular understanding and psychological age differ from his original intent. Extraversion tends to be manifested in outgoing, talkative, energetic behavior, whereas introversion is manifested in more reserved and solitary behavior.

    1. Myth #1-“Extraverts get energy from social interaction, whereas introverts get energy from privately reflecting on their thoughts and feelings.”
    2. Myth #2-Introverts are plagued by public speaking anxiety (or any “public” activity)
  • FACT: We assume that the gift of gab belongs to extraverts, and introverts are doomed to be nervous on stage, but we’re wrong. In one study, people rated how anxious they would feel in various public speaking situations. Introverts did anticipate more anxiety than extroverts, but 84% of public speaking anxiety was completely unrelated to introversion-extroversion. Bigger factors were whether they tended to be anxious people in general, thought the audience was kind versus hostile, and feared they would bomb the particular speech.
    1. Myth #3-Extraverts are better leaders than introverts
  • FACT: Extroverts are more likely to be attracted to and selected for leadership roles, but they’re not better leaders than introverts. In a study that tracked leadership effectiveness, they found that extroverts and introverts were equally successful overall—and excelled with different types of employees.

Segment #2

  1. Myth #4-Extraverts are better networkers than introverts
    • It’s true that extroverts have larger networks—and more Facebook friends. It turns out, though, that great networking isn’t about quantity. In the job search, research shows that extroverts engage in more intense networking, but this doesn’t translate into more jobs. Getting a job is about the quality and diversity of the relationships you build, not how the number of people you contact or the number of times you reach out to them.
  2. Myth #5-The best salespeople are extraverted
    • FACT: The best sales people are…not extroverts! Nor are they introverts. There is literally no difference in performance between the two. The best salespeople? Ambiverts. (more on that in a minute)
  3. Other facts:
    • Shyness is a separate characteristic from “introverted”, e.g. it’s the tendency to be hesitant and self-conscious when dealing with people who are “emotionally threatening.” There are many shy extraverts: they’re uncomfortable interacting with strangers, but love going to rock concerts. And plenty of introverts are sociable: they’ll strike up a conversation with random people at parties, but get easily overwhelmed by bright lights and loud noises.
    • MOST people are actually “ambiverted”-they’re quiet in some situations and loud in others, and alternate between seeking the spotlight and staying backstage.
    • All people feel the most energy when talking to other people–relationships matter!


Final Thoughts:

#1 Be a human being, practice emotional intelligence

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts


In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.

0125 – 8 Ways to You Can Be a Better Lover Today


We’re talking about how to improve your skills in (and out of) the bedroom

By the end of this episode:

  • you’ll learn 8 ways to improve your sex game


Segment #1

  1. Know your own body–get to know what you like and don’t like at a base level. It’ll help you teach your partner how to better please you
  2. But also, be willing to learn new things about yourself–you may have a spot, a kink or a position you never knew you had. Teach your partner the basics, then learn to improvise together
  3. Try everything twice–not sure you liked it the first time? Try it one more time, just to be sure.
  4. Leave shame and judgment at the door–both men and women can be terrible critics both of themselves and each other when it comes to sex. Part of it is societal, part of it might be related to your upbringing, part of it might be related to how you view your own body…leave it at the door to whatever room you’re bangin’ in

Segment #2

  1. Learn to self-soothe–being naked with someone means you’re vulnerable with someone…and that can be scary or can cause anxiety (or you might be carrying guilt and shame for any number of reasons)…don’t rely on your partner to make you feel better, you have to learn to do that for yourself
  2. Educate yourself–on anatomy, on biology, on how stuff actually works
  3. Take your time and enjoy yourself–not every session has to be a rush to the big O. Don’t rush the foreplay and take the time to enjoy each little moment that’s not necessarily


Final Thoughts:

#1 Communicate!

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts


In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.

0124 – 8 Ways to Challenge Yourself to Be Better


We’re talking about the ways you can challenge yourself to do better and be better today

By the end of this episode:

  • You’ll learn 8 tips to challenge yourself and take the next step in your journey toward self-improvement

Describe the problem

…You’ve stopped telling yourself lies, you’re asking the right questions, and you’re actively practicing happiness…but you maybe feel a little stagnant. How can you challenge yourself to be better? And how do you reach whatever the “next level” is? Find out in Episode 124: 8 Ways to Challenge Yourself.

Segment #1

  1. Face your fears–Do something every day that scares you a little. It doesn’t have to be big…maybe it’s just making eye contact with that cute girl and giving her a smile. But break out of your day to day routine, and do something that makes you just a little bit afraid
  2. Learn something new–take a class, learn a language, challenge yourself to finally figure out how to fold a fitted sheet
  3. MOVE–this isn’t just physical movement, but movement on a project, or that “thing” you always wanted to do, or even just finally filing away all those pesky bills.
  4. Appreciate the “now”–you can live in the past or worry about tomorrow…but there’s no time like the present to just “be”

Segment #2

  1. Baby steps–how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time
  2. Stop beating yourself up–so you screwed up. You dropped the ball, ate another (and then another) cookie. These things happen. Apologize if you need to, grant yourself a little grace, do better next time
  3. Push just a little bit more–are you SURE you can’t do one more rep? Are you SURE you can’t ask one more question? Maybe you can.  


Final Thoughts:

#1 Ask for feedback–yep, even though it leaves you open and vulnerable, but get someone you trust to be honest with you and ask them what you can improve on. Or get a coach…but for the stuff you can’t challenge yourself with, get outside help

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts



In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.

0123 – 8 Ways You Can Become Happier Immediately


We’re talking about how you can be happy…as proven by science!

By the end of this episode:

  • 8 scientifically proven ways to be more happy today

Segment #1

  1. Exercise–”Exercise has such a profound effect on our happiness and well-being that it is an effective strategy for overcoming depression. In a study cited in Shawn Achor’s book The Happiness Advantage, three groups of patients treated their depression with medication, exercise, or a combination of the two. The results of this study are surprising: Although all three groups experienced similar improvements in their happiness levels early on, the follow-up assessments proved to be radically different:

The groups were then tested six months later to assess their relapse rate. Of those who had taken the medication alone, 38 percent had slipped back into depression. Those in the combination group were doing only slightly better, with a 31 percent relapse rate. The biggest shock, though, came from the exercise group: Their relapse rate was only 9 percent.

  1. Get some sleep–Duh. There’s enough science out there that points to the benefits of good sleep…and there’s plenty more that points to how detrimental LACK of sleep is.
  2. Spend more time with family and friends–”If you want more evidence that time with friends is beneficial for you, research proves it can make you happier right now, too.

Social time is highly valuable when it comes to improving our happiness, even for introverts. Several studies have found that time spent with friends and family makes a big difference to how happy we feel.”

  1. Get outside more–”Making time to go outside on a nice day also delivers a huge advantage; one study found that spending 20 minutes outside in good weather not only boosted positive mood, but broadened thinking and improved working memory…

This is pretty good news for those of us who are worried about fitting new habits into our already-busy schedules. Twenty minutes is a short enough time to spend outside that you could fit it into your commute or even your lunch break.

Segment #2

  1. Help others/be compassionate–” to make yourself feel happier, you should help others. In fact, 100 hours per year (or two hours per week) is theoptimal time we should dedicate to helping others in order to enrich our lives.”
  2. Plan a trip–”A study published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life showed that the highest spike in happiness came during the planning stage of a vacation as people enjoy the sense of anticipation”
  3. Appreciate what you have–keep a gratitude journal, or simply count your blessings, but take the time to appreciate the things you already have that you’re maybe taking for granted.


Final Thoughts:

#1 Practice, practice, practice!

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts


In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.


Source: http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/10-scientifically-proven-ways-to-be-incredibly-happy-wed.html

0122 – 8 Powerful Questions You Should Ask Yourself Often


We’re talking about the top questions you should ask yourself when you want to begin to dig deep into self-improvement.

By the end of this episode:

  • you’ll learn 8 questions that’ll make you think, grow, and potentially change

Describe the problem

…Now that you know the lies you tell yourself, what next? There’s no better place to get started with self-improvement than by asking yourself insightful and even tough questions. Find out some of the best questions you can ask yourself today on episode 122.

Segment #1

  1. What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?
  2. What is holding you back/what are you holding onto?
  3. If you only had one chance to tell a crowd what you’re passionate about, what would it be?
  4. What are you willing to struggle for? (What, to you, is worth fighting for?)

Segment #2

  1. If you could do it all over again, what would you change?
  2. If there was one person you could “give a piece of your mind” to, who would it be, and what would you say?
  3. …and would it really make a difference if you did?


Final Thoughts:

#1 What do you know to be true?

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts


In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.

0121 – Seven Huge Lies You Tell Yourself Way Too Often


Lies we tell ourselves in or out of relationships (inspired by an article on Cracked)

By the end of this episode:

  • you’ll learn 7 of the biggest lies we tell ourselves

Describe the problem

Part of self-growth is about being honest with ourselves. But before we can be honest, we have to get past the lies we tell ourselves.

Segment #1

  1. “I’m just ‘too nice’”–this is a lie often uttered by dudes who believe that their niceness is transactional, so when women don’t respond the way they believe they “should” it’s the other person’s responsibility for not accepting the “niceness” rather than, “you lose yourself completely when trying to woo people”
  2. “I’m totally fine with…”–you’re not fine. You’re jealous, or worried, or you hate that she talks to her ex-boyfriend. While there’s something to be said for working on jealousy or insecurity issues, fixing an issue starts with honestly acknowledging what triggers the issue.
  3. “Buying a house/having a kid/getting married will fix us…” Nope. No it won’t. Huh uh.
  4. “If only _____ would happen, I could have_____” –you’d finally do that thing if you had more time, or you’d start that business plan if you only had more money, or you’d start on that new career path if someone only recognized your talent, or you’d get out there and start meeting people if you just had a friend to go with you. Well, friends…ain’t no time like the present…and no one can do it but you.

Segment #2

  1. “If I just say or do____, he/she will change” You’re right, people CAN change, but change begins with the individual, and you can be super nice and accommodating, or you can nag, or you can put aside your own ish as much as you’d like, but if the other person isn’t willing/capable of changing right now…you’re likely SOL
  2. “I’m too old/I’ve missed my window/if only I were younger…” The media would like us to believe that only the young can accomplish their dreams, but there is no better time to be just the age you are and go after what you want. Ain’t no time limit on sweat.
  3. “I can’t live without…”–yes you can. There are actually very few things you NEED in a given day, and that dude/woman who treats you like shit isn’t one of them.

Final Thoughts:

#1 I can’t change…” Can’t, or won’t?

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts

In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.

0120 – 9 Ways You Can Create Innovative Dates


We’re talking about ways to spice up your dates!

By the end of this episode:

  • you’ll learn 9 amazing tips for creating innovative dates (whether your relationship is new or not)

Describe the problem

…Dinner and a movie. Out to the bar. Movie night at home. While all these dates are great, they aren’t always terribly creative. So what sorts of things can you do to spice up your date life without breaking the bank? Find out in Episode 120: Innovative Dates.

Segment #1

  1. Take dance lessons…especially if you’re both not-so-good, but enjoy it. It’ll get you both out of your element, you can learn something new together, and you can both laugh at just how ridiculous you look learning your first 8-count in modern jazz.
  2. See an improv show! This one is near and dear to our hearts…but there’s something so fun about experiencing something spontaneous, new, and never-to-be-seen again from a local comedy group. Bonus? These shows are often interactive, and can be a way for the audience to get involved with the show.
  3. Take a brewery tour–local breweries or distilleries often offer tours of their facilities. Bonus? Booze. Oh, and learning something new!
  4. Wander a bookstore. You know, books? Those paper thingies with words in/on them. Take your time in the sexuality and health section. Orrrrr, play a game where you pick a number, open a random book to that page and see what this little bit of roulette reveals.

Segment #2

  1. Be a little cheesy (or a little wine-y, chocolate-y, oily, etc): find a shop in your area that offers tastings. Lots of places offer a hybrid of tasting + education, and you may have something in your area that’s unique, like an olive oil bar.
  2. Play strangers: pretend like you’re a tourist in your own town, and you happen to run into a cute “stranger” who wants to explore the city with you. You may find some hidden gems that aren’t too far from your usual haunts, plus, flirting with each other like you’re new can be exciting and sexy.
  3. See–and discuss–a rom com: okay, I know it sounds weird, but a recent study showed that the divorce rate was lower with couples who discussed how relationships were portrayed in movies (really!)
  4. Mini road trip!–pick a destination 1-2 hours away and go explore. Have dinner, walk the town, see a show, then spend the ride home in anticipation of what you’re going to explore when you get home.


Final Thoughts:

#1 Create and experience something new together.

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts


In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.

0119 – Relations Answers Random “When Should I…” Questions


We’ll tell you exactly when you should handle tricky, awkward or embarrassing situations.

By the end of this episode:

  • you’ll learn when you should tell someone you love them
  • when to tell someone their partner is cheating
  • and how to handle other awkward or embarrassing situations

Describe the problem

…We’ve all been there. It’s one of those awkward, tricky or weird situations where we’re not sure if we should say something or make a move. In this episode, we’ll combine our advice with the advice of some of the best experts out there to tell you how to handle some of the most common tricky situations. Stay tuned for more in Episode 119: When Should I…

Segment #1

Note; found these by Google auto-fill when typing “when should I…” and I took the most popular results.


  1. When should I…tell him/her I like/love him? From Psychology Today: “For most regular-looking guys living in places where the desirable women have men quite willing to commit to them, withholding love and commitment might be a formula for celibacy. So better advice to all you regular guys, when you start falling head over heels for a woman, is to go ahead and say “I love you” (but only if you mean it, of course)”
  2. When should I…tell someone I have an STI? From Your Tango: “if you wait too long, your potential partner can feel misled and manipulated. Disclosing early is important (Just don’t make it one of the first conversations you have). As a general guideline, inform your partner before there is any oral-to-genital contact and certainly well before there is any genital-to-genital contact.”

Segment #2

    1. When should I…tell someone their partner is cheating? Do you do what’s right, or what’s good?
  • When should I…tell someone they smell/you can see through their pants/they have something else embarrassing? Anna North on Jezebel recommends:
    • Not “jumping the gun” (wait for a pattern to emerge)
    • Don’t speak out of spite
    • Pick a private space
    • Be clear
    • Let them respond
    • Give space
    • Keep perspective


Final Thoughts:

#1 When considering “when should I” questions, err on the side of what is good and kind. Try to think through what is best for both parties, and what is the kindest way to treat someone else (you know, the way you’d want to be treated).

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts


In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.

0118 – What Should You Do About “On Again/Off Again” Relationships?


We are talking all about the relationships you just can’t seem to quit (until you do).

By the end of this episode:

  • you’ll learn the facts about on-again/off-again relationships
  • how to best deal with these relationships
  • the #1 tip to avoid an on-again/off-again situation

Describe the problem

…You’re together. Then you’re not. But then you are again. Your relationship has more cycles than the Tour de France, yet the two of you can’t seem to stay apart…even though all you want to be when you’re together is apart. So how do you break the on-again/off-again cycle? Find out in Episode 118: On-Again, Off-Again Relationships

Segment #1

Facts about on-again, off-again couples

  1. 60% of adults have been in an on-again/off-again relationship
  2. ¾ of of those adults have been through the makeup/breakup cycle more than twice
  3. Those who have experienced more breakups and renewals report less satisfaction, more conflict, more uncertainty about the relationship and less support for the relationship from friends and family. From Body and Soul.com: ““On-off partners also report less behaviours that help maintain the relationship,” Dailey says. This includes making the other partner feel good about themselves and including them in activities with friends and family. Plummeting self-esteem, nagging doubts, an increased risk of depression and anxiety and the potential loss of long-term happiness are also associated with the boomerang dynamic,”
  4. On-off couples have more relational stress than non-cyclical couples. From YourTango: “The truth about on again/off again relationships are that they create much frustration and a whirlwind of emotional chaos and confusion. On again/off again relationships are designed to turn your emotional world upside down and keep you in a state of disillusionment and opposition that can even turn into hatred.”

Segment #2

How to break the on-again, off-again cycle:

  1. Keep the relationship more stable in the first place: From She Knows: “Even if your relationship has gone through several renewals…change something about the relationship. Discuss new rules and norms. Talk about how to resolve issues that led to the breakups or how to improve the relationship. Don’t just hope that the relationship will be better the next time around.”
  2. To end things permanently: Explicitly discuss terminating the relationship with your partner. Don’t leave the status of the relationship ambiguous or hint at a potential reconciliation.
  3. Find common ground. Renewals are less likely to occur if both partners initiate the breakup — in other words, if both partners want the relationship to end.
  4. Date other people. Renewals are less likely if partners date other people after breaking up with their on-off partners.


Final Thoughts:

  • #1  Stop contact. These relationships often get “on” when they’re off because someone intiates contact far too soon. Take at least 30 days of no contact, gain a little perspective, then re-evaluate.  
  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts
    • Not all on-again/off-agains are bad, IF behavior changes and couples proactively work toward avoiding the “off”


In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.







0117 – 8 Ways You Can Handle a Toxic Relationship pt 2


We are talking about how to deal with a toxic relationship

By the end of this episode:

  • 8 tips for dealing with a toxic relationship

Describe the problem

…So you’ve figured out that you’re in a toxic relationship, either with a friend, a family member, or even a lover or spouse. How do you deal with these toxic relationships with grace and dignity, or without causing too much collateral damage? Find out in Episode 117: Toxic Relationships, Part Two.

Segment #1

How to deal with a toxic relationship:

  1. Admit there’s a problem: Like admitting an addiction, you have to first realize and acknowledge that you’re in a toxic relationship.
  2. Believe that you deserve better: sometimes we stick with toxic relationships because we think we have to (there’s lots of “history” there) or because we think it’s just the way this relationship is, orrrr because we don’t believe we deserve anything better. You don’t, it isn’t, and you do.
  3. For relationships where you give and give and give with no return, set boundaries and learn to say no.
  4. Downgrade” the relationship, if possible. Who says you have to be “besties” with everyone? Sometimes you can simply back away from a relationship and “downgrade” from friendship to “friendly acquaintance.”

Segment #2

  1. If there’s room, or the ability to do so, take a break or hiatus. Sometimes distance is exactly what’s needed to gain perspective or see just how much something is affecting you.
  2. Get support: make new healthy friendships, go to HR, get a counselor…whatever you do, sometimes leaving toxic relationships can be extremely difficult to do alone (especially if there are feelings of low self-esteem, ideas that you “deserve” to be treated badly, or abuse)
  3. Address the behavior and ask for change. “addressing the toxic behavior when it occurs. When doing this, use “I” statements as much as possible to reduce the likelihood of a defensive reaction. For example, you may want to say something like, “I feel like you find fault in almost everything I do and it makes me feel [fill in the blank]. I (love, respect, care about, etc.) you, and I’d appreciate it if you would stop [fill in the blank].” However, you should only do this if it is safe. (If you are in a physically abusive relationship, this kind of confrontation may not be safe. Before doing anything that risks your safety, you should contact a professional with experience dealing with domestic violence or contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for more information.)”


Final Thoughts:

#1  If the person isn’t willing to change behavior…then you have to be willing to change the circumstances.


  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts

In Closing

If you have a question, comment, or funny story about [INSERT SHOW TOPIC] we have a private SafeSpace on facebook where we talk about all sorts of social, professional, and romantic relationship topics, and after every show you can go there and share you story, get some advice from great people or just hang out. Both Sarah and I are there every day and you can be there too, just go to www.relationspodcast.com/join and click the “Join Now’ button.

Until we meet again, keep striving to make every relationship you have the best it can possibly be, including (and especially) the one with yourself. We’ll talk soon.